Lothar Fischer Prize

Lothar Fischer Prize

Every two years, the Lothar & Christel Fischer Foundation awards the Lothar Fischer Prize in cooperation with the city of Neumarkt i.d.OPf. It honours artists residing in Germany who demonstrate an independent profile and whose work has the potential to make a lasting contribution to contemporary art in the future.

The Lothar Fischer Prize is intended as a promotional award for a position without an explicit age limit. It is intended to honour a work that is loosely connected to Lothar Fischer's artistic thinking and is compatible with the profile of the sculpture museum.

There is a two-stage selection process (a proposal committee and a jury). The respective proposal committee nominates artists eligible for the prize. The jury, chaired by art historian Dr. Selima Niggl, a member of the foundation's board of trustees, decides to whom the prize is awarded. In addition to the prize money of 5,000 euros the prize winner gets the opportunity of an exhibition in the museum one year after the announcement of the prize. However, there is no entitlement to this.



Previous Award Winners

Lothar Fischer Award 2005   
Klaus Hack   

Lothar Fischer Award 2007   
Rolf Wicker   

Lothar Fischer Award 2009   
Brigitte Schwacke  

Lothar Fischer Award 2011   
Martin Wöhrlwww.tanjapol.com

Lothar Fischer Award 2013   
Felix Schrammwww.felixschramm.net

Lothar Fischer Award 2015    
Stefan Rohrerwww.stefanrohrer.de

Lothar Fischer Award 2017    
Leunora Salihu 

Lothar Fischer Award 2019    
Benjamin Houlihanwww.rehbein-galerie.de   
Lothar Fischer Award 2021    
Verena Issel    

Lothar Fischer Award 2023   
Claudia Mann www.claudiamann.net