
"Holz ist mein Werkstoff"
Introduction: Andrea Brandl M.A., Leitung Kunsthalle Schweinfurt
Ingrid Hartlieb's large-format sculptures, which nonetheless testify to a special calm, are made from different blocks of wood that are layered together to form a raw mould, glued and finished with a chainsaw, wax, stain and varnish. All of the works - she calls them ‘Räderwerk’, ‘Rettungsring’, ‘Abstandshalter’ or ‘Fluchtwerkzeug’, to name just a few titles - are subject to an elaborate working process that the artist has carefully developed over many decades.
In the wake of her 80th birthday, the museum is honouring Ingrid Hartlieb's multifaceted oeuvre. In addition to numerous sculptures and works on paper, the exhibition also presents some so-called ‘test pieces’ made of lead and paper. To this day, the artist is recognised in Germany as one of the few powerful wood sculptors of her generation, but one who has too often been overlooked by the art market.